01 August 2008

To Infinity & Beyond!

Masters can and often are known to cross over into other dimensions of Time and Space when they no longer are needed here on this third dimension.

By definition, they have conquered all of the lessons that a third dimensional planet can teach as a “schoolroom of life.”

These lessons include the understanding and mastering of... unconditional love; patience; kindness; forbearance; temperance; spiritual discrimination; proper government; tolerance; practising the silence of meditation; the transmutation of all personal Karmic debts; the ability to materialise any material object from the universal ethers and the ability to heal with the mind or with a single touch to void the pain of another sentient being.

Their humility is true and rarely will they say,

“I am a Master.”

They are servants to all.

{The Akashic Records}

~ In Infinite Loving Memory of Master Sivaram ~