28 December 2008

Twenty Years Ago

Peace can come only with understanding.
And travel is an important means of acquiring it.

It is, however, only through the full consciousness
of "the essence of the human" that we shall be able to
open the difficult paths of international relationships.

As a traveller you have an excellent opportunity to serve
your country and the world in creating ties of friendship.

To you, therefore, we bring this message,
a message sparked with beauty all its own:

The Search For The Human.

{Vincenzo Marcolongo}
~ Love & خوشحال از ملاقات با شما from Yoga Gypsy ~

27 December 2008


~ Love & چي حال داري from Yoga Gypsy ~

24 December 2008


... negáh konid!
~ Love & سلام from Yoga Gypsy ~

22 December 2008

Nine Practices

Practise non-action.

Practise softness and weakness.

Practise guarding the feminine.

Practise being nameless.

Practise clarity and stillness.

Practise being adept.

Practise being desireless.

Practise knowing how to stop and be content.

Practise yielding and withdrawing.

~ Love & Practice from Yoga Gypsy ~

21 December 2008


徒弟選擇一個好師傅, 固然困難,
但師傅選擇一個好徒弟, 更加困難。

~ Love & 徒弟 from Yoga Gypsy ~

19 December 2008

We All Have It

Master Yourself.

Become your own Teacher and Healer.

Reclaim Health, Wealth, Longevity & Spirit.
~ Love & Longevity from Yoga Gypsy ~

16 December 2008

I Cannot Tell You

The Way - cannot be told.
The Name - cannot be named.

The nameless is the Way of Heaven and Earth.
The named is Matrix of the Myriad Creatures.

Eliminate desire to find the Way.
Embrace desire to know the Creature.
The two are identical,
But differ in name as they arise.

Identical they are called mysterious,
Mystery on mystery, the gate of many secrets.
{Lao Tzu}
.~ Love, Everything & Nothing from Yoga Gypsy ~

11 December 2008


La vida es una huella de triunfos y fracasos,

formada por pedazos de amor y de dolor.

El tiempo es un rosario, sus cuentas los recuerdos,

jardín del sentimiento de lo que se vivió.

Hay un tiempo pa´reir, y otro tiempo pa´llorar.

Un tiempo para partir, y otro para regresar.

Hay un tiempo pa´vivir, y otro para terminar,

hay un tiempo pa´morir y otro para comenzar.

Cuando llegue la hora del fin de mi camino,

que mi sonrisa diga que acepto lo que fuí.

Las cosas materiales las dejaré contigo;

solo se irá conmigo todo lo que aprendí.

Que hay un tiempo para dar y otro para recibir,

un tiempo para pensar y otro para decidir.

Que hay un tiempo pa´olvidar y otro tiempo pa´entender.

Hay un tiempo pa´ganar, y otro tiempo pa´perder.

Hay un tiempo pa´sufrir y hay un tiempo para amar.

Un tiempo para sentir y otro para perdonar.

Hay un tiempo pa´vivir y otro para terminar.

Hay un tiempo pa´morir y otro para comenzar.

{Rubén Blades}
~ Love To The Bones from Yoga Gypsy ~

05 December 2008

Ива́н Серге́евич Турге́нев

Systems are only dear to those
who cannot take the whole truth into their hands
and who want to catch it by the tail.

A system is like the tail of truth, but truth is like a lizard.

It will leave its tail in your hands and then escape you.

It knows that within a very short time
it will grow another.

{Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev}
~ Love & Lizard from Yoga Gypsy ~

01 December 2008

Mind Your Mind

When the mind is silent,
then it can enter into a world
which is far beyond the mind.

~ Love & Beyond from Yoga Gypsy ~