06 February 2008

The Whole Of Yin & Yang

To live requires energy and fearlessness, but we are brought up in a pleasure-hunting human race, and pain is something to be afraid of, to be driven away completely, to protect oneself from.

But it is the pain and pleasure - the duality - together that make the whole, the wholeness of life.

The more sensitive you are and the more you live from the depth of your being, the more vulnerable you are to life.

The more sensitive you are and the more capable of loving human beings, the more you will be hurt; there is more sorrow, there is more pain.

Psychological hurts, pain and sorrow accompany the sensitivity, intelligence and love.

Love and sorrow go together.

So, if there is physical or psychological pain, you live with it - not out of despair, not out of self-pity, not out of any weakness.

You live with it because it is part of life, it is an expression of life.

{Vimala Thakar}

~ Love & Life from Yoga Gypsy ~