27 January 2008

Don't Drink The Water

That is the title of a hilarious movie directed by Woody Allen. I have yet figured out why it's titled that... but it's a gem, so go rent the video.

And drink water.

Yes, "drink water", I would always remind all of you after practice. Not coffee, not tea (except herbal teas) and definitely not soft drinks.

Carbonated soft drinks tend to contain high amounts of both sugars and acids - the worst possible combination for dental health, obesity and diabetes. In fact, soft drink consumption contributes to osteoporosis as well.

Research from a British university has suggested that a common preservative found in soft drinks can lead to liver problems and even degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's.

Now, the Centre for Science and Environment in India has confirmed that consumption of such drinks is highly dangerous to human beings (much appreciate the link, Krishna!).

For those of you who needs the facts and figures, Mark even took the effort to compare soft drinks to water. Read it here.

And drink water.

~ Love & Flow from Yoga Gypsy ~